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Current ASO COVID-19 Protocol as of 8/12/2022:

As of 8/12/2022 the ASO Board of Directors has unanimously voted to revoke the COVID vaccination requirement.  Based on our consultations with Dr. Alan Aboaf (our second trombonist, experienced internal medicine physician, and medical staff president at Medical Center of Aurora) and following the City of Aurora current guidelines, the Board voted to revoke the vaccination requirement. Masking is not required. Members that did not play because of the vaccination requirement are invited to return to their positions in the orchestra, as promised. The following are strong public health recommendations and our current policy:

Illness Absence Guidance 

As cold and flu season ramps up, the general guidance for musicians is simple: if you’re sick, please stay home. This is applicable to any illness that may be contagious. Specific guidance for COVID is noted below, but be aware that flu and RSV are also highly contagious and circulating widely as are the usual cold viruses. Please use your best judgment and be considerate of your fellow orchestra members and err on the side of caution when making any decision about attending rehearsals or performances when you feel unwell.

YOU tested positive for COVID 19. 

NO Symptoms: Stay at home for 24 hrs and if no fever for 24 hrs and no symptoms leave quarantine and come to rehearsal but wear a mask for a total of 5 days (wind and brass instruments stay home).

Symptoms: Stay at home for 24 hrs from the onset of symptoms. Then you can leave quarantine if no fever and symptoms improved and come to rehearsal but wear a mask for a total of 5 days (wind and brass instruments stay home).

  • If you have 2 negative tests at least 24 hrs apart, you can remove your mask. Quarantine means do not come to rehearsals.
  • Exposure to someone with COVID and you have NO symptoms.
  • You do not need to stay home unless you develop symptoms, but you should wear a mask for up to 5
  • days from the time of the exposure. Wind and brass instruments stay home during 5-day mask time.
  • You should get tested 3 days after the exposure and if negative, no further testing necessary – come to
  • rehearsal with mask (wind and brass instruments stay home). Testing at time of exposure is unreliable.
  • You should wear a high-quality mask around other people for a total of 10 days from the exposure.
  • If you develop symptoms, stay home, get tested right away and if negative retest 48-72 hrs later. You should wear a high-quality mask around other people for up to 5 days from onset of symptoms or until the 2nd test is negative. If the second test is negative, come to rehearsal.
  • Vaccination status does not affect any of these recommendations.

An excellent CDC risk calculator with recommendations is available at:

What to Do If You Were Exposed to COVID-19 | CDC – Respiratory Virus Guidance

If you have upper respiratory symptoms: 

  1. Test yourself for COVID and follow the recommendations above.
  2. Consider testing for influenza or RSV. Talk to your doctor about your symptoms and testing. You may just have one of the many viruses and ideally you should stay home until you have no fever and symptoms have improved

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